Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group

Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning group

Established 1988
Field of Research Artificial Intelligence
Director Ulises Cortés
Faculty Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) - BarcelonaTech
Postgraduate students 8
Doctoral students 8
Professional students 8
Post-docs 2
Address K2M Building 201-202. 1-3 Jordi Girona st., 08034
Location Barcelona
Telephone +34 934134011
Campus UPC Campus Nord

The Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning group (KEMLg) is a research group belonging to the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) - BarcelonaTech. The group has been active in the Artificial Intelligence field since 1988.

The main goal of this research group is the analysis, design, implementation and application of several Artificial Intelligence techniques, to support the operation or behaviour analysis of real-world complex systems or domains. Research is focused on the analysis, design, management or supervision of these domains, such as in the health and medical field, in environmental processes and systems, and in the industrial and enterprise sector.

Specific research efforts are undertaken in analysis and development of intelligent agents, understanding of coalition setting dynamics, social structure dynamics analysis, formal model construction for norms and conventions for e-commerce, information flow process design, temporal episode-based reasoning, experience-based argumentation techniques, hybrid methods in Statistics and Artificial Intelligence, belief or Bayesian networks, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, knowledge model identification and knowledge model building, knowledge representation, ontologies, social networks, semantic Web, Web services, and directory service study.


Research lines

Their main research lines include:

Current projects

These are the projects the group is currently devoting some effort to:

Past projects

These are the projects in which the group has been involved in the past:

Network memberships

These are the networks of excellence and thematic networks the group belongs to:



External links